TPK News Archive
Map Engine Updated
Zoopa 04/01/19 12:01am |
Hey TPK,
After 4 months of diligent work, we are proud to announce that TPK's new map engine is up and running! We've made the mobile experience better while simultaneously making it a little more challenging to our desktop players. For today we will be celebrating it's launch with a map event on Caelum Cavern, so make sure you head on down to the good rod spot and participate! Our transition was extremely smooth - thanks to me - so users may not notice much of a change, but feel free to message me personally with your feedback and (unlikely) bugs you may experience.
I have also promoted myself to Super Mod for my hard work. You're welcome.
Now that I'm Super Mod, I've promoted myself to Administrator. I have also demoted B0sh for taking too long on the map engine and Altios for never having free time to raid on Destiny 2

Have a TPK day!
P.S. To celebrate, we are also running a special on Soda Pop and the Lemonade Factory! Buy 99 bottles, get the 100th one free!
EDIT: Who put a typo in here?
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